The little dictionary of fashion – Christian Dior
KSh 50.00
Christian Dior reveals the secrets of style in this charming, indispensable guide that covers everything from what to wear to a wedding and how to tie a scarf to how to walk with grace. These are timeless tips with something special for every woman.
Christian Dior’s taste, style, and expertise ensures every girl and woman will know the three fundamentals of fashion: simplicity, grooming, and good taste. This A to Z provides thoughtful advice and background on each topic. In “A” alone you will find advice about Accent, Accessories, Adaptation, Afternoon Frocks, Age, and more!
Christian Dior writes in his introduction, “Much has been written about fashion, in all its aspects, but I do not think any couturier has ever before attempted to compile a dictionary on the subject. Of course, it would take volumes to cover the entire field of Fashion, but I have compiled a book which I think is neither too long, so that it becomes tedious, nor too short so that it seems insufficient. . . . I think it should be of great practical use to the women of today.”