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A tale of two cities – Charles Dickens

KSh 50.00

Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill

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Living in the Light: A guide to personal transformation – David Sargent

KSh 50.00

I would like to acknowledge Laurel King for her help with the
original edition of this book. I appreciate Lora O’Connor for her
many valuable suggestions and overall support in creating this
revised edition. I’m very grateful to Becky Benenate, my editor for
the revised edition, for all her help and especially her willingness to
work with my schedule and pull off a miracle of timing! Thanksto Katherine Dieter for her input, and to Marc Allen for his ongo-
ing support. Kathy Altman, as always, has contributed her ideasand energy to the project. Jim Burns, thank you for your love and
encouragement. Most of all I thank my readers, whose love and
appreciation has been my inspiration and my reward.

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